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Only the top restaurants, promos, and specials, hand selected by Miami foodies.


How We Choose the Restaurants We Write About​

While indeed some restaurants listed on our website are in paid partnership with Dish Miami, not all are. Nevertheless, all the opinions given in a review or feature about our partners are genuine, original, and our own. Unless otherwise stated — No bluff here. And while we’re sure our pals would ‘bravo’ such tender endearment emphasized toward their sweat-filled caverns (sweat of hard-working brows, that is,) these are not their own opinions of themselves. Rest assured. Your favorite horns are not so self-tooting. That’s why they ask us to chime in a bit or two on their behalf. So please remember — these are our words, not theirs.

And by the way, if you’re interested in partnering with us and listing your business on our website, read more about our services here. Ciao!

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